Take on Another World with My Best Friend Vol. I Ch. 15
You are currently viewing a revision titled "Take on Another World with My Best Friend Vol. I Ch. 15", saved on March 19, 2023 at 8:30 am by Alde Ambara Sakti | |
Title | Take on Another World with My Best Friend Vol. I Ch. 15 |
Content | "New Miami? Is that the name you're giving this city?"
"I think the name is fitting"
"You just add new to Miami. How lazy are you going to name it?"
"It's not lazy, I am modeling this city based on Miami"
"Pick an original name, dammit!"
"I don't see you coming up with a name"
"Eastriar Landing, Shadowmoon Harbor, Briarport. I can keep going"
"Mouthful, uninspired, boring and cringe. I can keep going"
"Fuck you, man. You asked me for names"
"Alright, sorry. I want to base it on our world. Something for us to remember who we are"
"Your world?"
Astrid asked. Curious about what Akira just said.
"Our country. Please. Don't pay it much mind"
Astrid is suspicious. But she went back to drawing
"Now we have a country. But neither of us knew how to run a country."
"You ran your own company before, Shin"
"It's not the same thing"
"It sure is. What's different about it?"
"I run a multinational company. Running a country is...well. Running a country. Besides, this whole thing was your idea. I don't want to run a country. Now that I'm here, I just want to travel and laze around between travel. It's not fair to give me this responsibility when you're the one who wanted it"
Akira looks dejected. But Shin does have a point
"You're right"
Astrid overhears this
"So you're the one going to be the king?"
"I don't think I want to be one. I just want to adventure"
"What's the point of having a king but the king doesn't govern?"
"Hey, settle down, Astrid. We are planning to appoint Prime Minister to be in charge of governing"
"Prime Minister?"
"Yeah. We would still be the head of the country, but the head of government will be the Prime Minister"
"Would that be effective?"
"It has been done before"
"In a kingdom far away from here"
"How's the design going on?"
"I'm almost done. But this city doesn't have a volcano. I hear that you want to build a city near the volcano"
"In which way do you want it to be built?"
Shin grabs his phone and searches on the engine hot spring town. Astrid, astounded once more, frantically draw the layout of the city
"What's the name of the city?"
Shin ponders for a few moments and decided the name that fits the location of the town
"Hakone? Really?"
"I love that town. I can't get that place off my head"
"Who's uncreative now?"
"You rub off of me, dumbass"
"Glad to be of service"
Shin and Akira look at the progress of the sketch Astrid made. There are 5 scrolls for New Miami, and 3 for Hakone.
"You work fast, Astrid"
Astrid pays no attention and keeps sketching.
Astrid gave no response
"Maybe she's in deep concentration. We should let her be. What do you say we walk outside for a moment?"
"Alright. Where's Talos by the way?"
"I'm right here, Boss"
Talos is waiting outside of the building, Sitting by the stairs
"Thank you, Talos. Thanks to both of you"
Akira talks with both of them outside
"I understand that this plan is my own selfish desire, but you guys support me with all your heart and I will never forget what you guys have accomplished today"
Mina walks toward the trio.
"You too, Mina. I thank you"
Mina smiles gleefully. Shin punches Akira's shoulder lightly
"Hey. We're here for you. As long as I'm with you, I got your back, man"
"Thanks, big fella"
"Don't call me that ever again"
Akira chuckles. Shin and Mina hug Akira.
"But I guess that since we are running this place, we need to stay here until this place is running. What do you say, Akira? How about a little R&R?"
"I'm down. What do you need me to do?"
"I need you to realize this place. And Hakone too. We will also improve the technology of this place. We won't be using wagon or cart or any of that crap. We will have this place to use cars, motorcycles"
"I think it's better to come clean with Mina"
"Are we even allowed to?"
"We can trust her, Shin"
"If you wish"
"Mina. We lied about being from a faraway country. We are from a different world"
"A different world?"
"Yes. We came from a world without magic. Maybe there's magic but it was depleted completely in our time. What we lacked in magic, we compensate them with technology. The vehicle we ride on Kingsport, was from Earth"
"Earth. Hold my hand, I'll show you our world"
Mina takes Akira's hand.
"Close your eyes"
Mina closes her eyes. Akira uses his memory to take Mina to earth.
"Now. Open your eyes slowly"
Mina slowly opens her eyes. the first thing she sees is a lamplight. She sees around her. Tall buildings and bright lights. Roads and their vehicles. People in different clothing walk around and their expressions can be seen. Cry, laughter, smiles, frown, tired. She sees a bustling neon street. She looks up to see that there are no stars in the sky
"Where are the stars?"
"We can't see them in a bright place like this. Let me take you somewhere you can see the stars. Close your eyes"
Mina closes her eyes again. Akira imagines a desert where's there's no light can be seen.
"Open your eyes, Mina"
Mina opens her eyes and sees nothing but the stars. It was completely dark, only to be illuminated by moonlight. Millions of stars can be seen.
"Beautiful isn't it?"
Mina is stunned for words. She rarely pays any attention to the sky back on Terra. The sight of the stars completely left her speechless
"How was it, Mina?"
"I... don't know what to say. I don't know why you would leave such a beautiful world behind?"
"I don't know the answer to that myself. Maybe I felt tormented here. Maybe to find the answer myself. But all I know for sure..."
Akira caressed Mina's chin, then caress her cheek.
"...that I'm here because of you"
"Stop that you cheeky bastard"
Mina shyly blushed and smiled, but Akira's face is still. Her tails is waggling. She might have smile lightly, but her tails cannot lie.
"I...gee...thanks for choosing me, Akira"
Akira smile lightly. She put her head on his chest. Mina can hear his heartbeat, although this is only an illusion. A memory from the past.
"Will you show me where you lived in this world?"
"No. I don't intend to go back there. But I have one more place for you to see. Close your eyes"
Mina closes her eyes again. This time he imagines a sunny beach he is familiar with. The place he intended for New Miami to be.
"Mina. We're here"
Mina opens her eyes. But this time, it was daytime. There are buildings, not tall ones, but it was definitely modern for her. It was full of art deco buildings.
"What is this place?"
"This is South Beach. This is the inspiration for the place I am planning to build"
Mina loved the place. She can't wait to get out there
"Wait. Don't let go of my hand"
"We are only in my memory. If you let it go, it will also vanish"
"Got it"
"How do you like this place?"
"It is amazing"
"Will you help me realize this place into reality in the new world?"
"I will."
"Thank you. Let's get back, shall we?"
"Can we...stay here for a while?"
"You...want to see around?"
"Yeah. This is what your world looks like, might as well be familiar with it"
"We're going up. Don't let go of my hand"
Akira holds Mina's hands tightly and flies up. From the sky, she could see the limitless ocean, the islands that are separated, connected by roads. The roads are filled with vehicles and the beach is full of people.
"Why are people wearing so little clothing?"
"Because these people would like to get a tan. They also wore those clothes to swim in the ocean. Never mind about that. Let me take you to the Star Island there"
They fly east to see a cluster of islands. There are houses, some are more luxurious than others.
"Look at these houses. What do you think?"
"I think it's nice, but I feel like this feels...pretentious"
"Yeah. Living separated from the general public and for what? To prove themselves better than the rest?"
"They have more money"
"Isn't it fair that these people live in luxury after all their hard work?"
"Other people also work hard"
"Why do you have the rich so much?"
"I don't hate the rich. I just feel that they are no different from the common folk"
"So why are you so angry?"
"I just don't understand the separation. Do they want to separate themselves from us that bad?"
"They want to get out of poverty. Everybody does"
"So they use their money to buy big houses, not help others get out of their poverty?"
"To be honest, I brought you here to check out the house's design for us. But you did not seem like it"
"No, I do not. I prefer those houses near the beaches"
Mina's eyes wanders a little bit. Processing what she just hears.
"Wait a minute. You want me to move here?"
"If you want to"
"What about the shop back in Theovania?"
"We'll sell them"
"Are you sure about that?"
"No, I think we better ask Shin"
"Yeah, I thought so too"
"Ready to head back?"
"Yeah. Close your eyes"
Mina closes her eyes again. She feels the hand that has been holding her, letting go. She opens her eyes and they are back in New Miami
"Welcome back. Find anything?"
"Yeah. Akira showed me your world"
"Any good?"
"Shin. What do you think of our shops back in Hapsburg?"
"We could sell it, and move the store here"
"Akira told me the same thing back there. Do you think that's okay?"
"Why not? I can see that you want to live here"
"I do. But I don't know about my siblings"
"Why don't you ask them? Akira can teleport us back to Hapsburg"
"You want me to teleport us back to Hapsburg now?"
"Yeah. I wanted to see how the store is doing"
"Alright. Talos, you want to come or stay here?"
"I'll stay here. I'll be your representative while you're gone"
"Alright. Thanks. Grab unto me"
Shin and Mina grab onto Akira. Once they have held onto Akira, lightning struck three of them. Few people were startled by the thunderous sound. After a few seconds, Akira, Mina, and Shin are back in Hapsburg. The thunderous sound startled the people of Hapsburg, even the guards are rushing to surround the three.
"What is going on here?"
"You are trespassing. We are taking you in"
"Taking us in?"
"Hold it right there!"
There is shouting behind the guards. A familiar sound. It's Sara!
"What's going on here?"
"These people are trespassing Hapsburg"
"Lower your weapon right now! You are pointing your weapons at the hero of Hapsburg"
"What do you mean, Minister?"
"These people saved Theovania from a coup. Stand down!"
The guards lower their weapons. They went back to their post
"Welcome back. How are things over there?"
"We fought them, Tew and Bonne is arrested, The rest are killed"
"Why are you sparing the two?"
"Tew is actually helping the people, a former admiral in Mercia's Navy and Bonne is pregnant"
"That is great news. But what are you doing here?"
"We're here to check on our store. And other matters. Why are you here, Sara?"
"I just sealed a deal with several kingdoms after our feast. You want to talk inside your store?"
"Yeah. We're going in anyway"
Mina opens the door and sees that the store is completely empty. Garland is on the store counter
"Welcome to...Oh Nee-san. Welcome back"
He is counting the coins behind the counter
"What happened here, Garland?"
"We sold out. Everything is sold, even our stock in the back. After you left, there are a bunch of nobles coming here and buying a bunch. Selling turns into auctions and here we are. I haven't finished counting the coins from the sales yesterday"
"How much do we earn?"
"I haven't finished counting, but currently I am on five-hundred thousand gold, five-hundred silver, and 500 platinum plates"
"So do you mean that we earn more than 1000 platinum plates?"
"More or less, yeah"
"How are you guys earning so much money in just a few days?"
"Dad told us tableware is a valuable commodity"
"Let me call dad. hold on"
Akira dials Haruki on his phone. There are several waiting tones until it is connected
"Dad. You were right. Our store sold out after a few days"
"Really? How much did you make?"
"We are still counting but currently we are at five-hundred thousand gold, five-hundred silver, and five-hundred platinum plates"
"...over a thousand platinum plates?"
There are a few silent seconds.
"it should not be that much"
"I know. But I remember that Shin is a Legendary Merchant, so it made sense"
"Alright. I'll be there tomorrow. I'm going there"
"One more thing, dad"
"Does the merchant guild exclusive only to Theovan?"
"Yes. The Merchant guild is exclusive to Theovan. But the merchant guild handles every trade. Local or International. The guild answers to the Finance Minister. For every country that wants to make a trade agreement with Theovan, it has to go through the Merchant Guild. Why? Do you want to build a guild in your country?"
"Yes. There is one genius kid here, my girl's little brother. Even Shin is impressed with this kid. He's really eager to make money"
"I'm curious about this kid. So, do you want me to train him to be a guild master?"
"If you could, I want you to prepare him to be Newlight finance minister?"
"Kiddo. You're crazy. He's just a kid"
"I know. That's why I want to educate him to be the best on his field"
"Why can't Shin do it?"
"No matter how great Shin is, He is only a merchant"
"Isn't he has his own company?"
"I don't think it's the same, dad"
"It's the same. Trust me"
"Are you sure, dad?"
"Yeah. Besides, I can't teach him about being a minister. It's treason, kid. We're nobles now"
"Alright. I'' take your word for it"
"Anything else?"
"Say hi to Fred and Mel for me. Alright. See you, dad"
Akira presses the red phone button.
"Hey. Can we talk for a second?"
"Sure. What's up, Shin?"
"Let's not give this money to our kingdom"
"Think about it, for whatever we have on our hand right now should be enough to rebuild the country since we will be directly involved. We keep this one for ourselves, for our travel"
"Would that be okay?"
"It will be, don't worry"
"Alright. I'll leave this to you"
"Thanks, Akira"
Shin turns to Sara
"Hey, can we talk for a second?"
"What's going on?"
"We are planning to sell this place. We will be moving the store to New Miami?"
"New Miami?"
"Formerly known as Friguld City"
"I mean, I can buy this back to you, but I can only purchase it at a lower price"
"How low are we talking?"
"50 gold...I'll take it"
"Alright. I'll handle the paperwork, give me the store deed"
Shin hands Sara the store deed
"Hey, What gives?"
"You can't just sell our store"
"We're moving Garland. To a new place. You'll like it"
"We're moving again?"
"Yes. Our store will be bigger than this one"
"What about Yuma?"
"Yuma will come with us"
"What if she doesn't want to move? What if she made a friend here?"
Mina looks concerned. After what Garland said, it might be possible that her little sister might have a hard time integrating with a new society, let alone the one in ruin
"We've been here for, what? less than a week?"
Shin interrupts. The small shops feel really crowded even though there are only a handful of people. Akira wanted to inspect the store and went to the back. Mina and Shin stay at the counter.
"We need you all, for our new country. I'm sure Yuma can find a new friend at the new country. Besides, you want to earn more money, right?"
Garland nods. But he knew what he is insinuating. Or at least he think he does. Akira rejoins again. He whispers something to Shin, With his hand covering his mouth.
"Cleared out. The reserves too"
Shin nods. Acknowledging that there are no leftover in the shop. They can move again, without any baggage.
"Right. Garland. I wanted to appoint you as our merchant guild master in Newlight. You will be paid in salaries and bonus. We will provide-"
Akira stops talking. Mina wanted to reprimand Garland for being rude, but Garland give her a 'stop' hand gesture.
"Let me get this straight. So you want me to be a guild master, which is a lot more responsibilities, and paid in salaries, which would be less than what we're making today? That is a bad deal, even from my sister's lover"
Garland crosses his arms and his posture is straight, letting them know that he is seriously displeased. Shin, however, is smiling
"Mina-nee, please be quiet for a moment"
Mina understands what would Garland says, but she can't find herself arguing with him when he is serious
"We are doing just fine at this shop. You wanted us to move to a ruin in the middle of nowhere where the building doesn't even exist yet, the people are in tatters, penniless, homeless and worse of all, does not have any trade relation with other country. And you want ME, of all people to run a guild that handles the finance of a country with just salaries?"
Shin steps forward with his hand in his pocket. His posture is also straight, letting Garland know that he is bargaining from a position of power.
"Name your terms, then"
The simple proposition turns into something of a showdown. They stare each other down and assert their power. Earlier today, they would have a battle of power, strength, magic, and everything physical. Now, it is a mano a mano battle of wits. A battle between two intelligent merchants and neither side has any advantages whatsoever.
"Terms? There are no terms. We already made more money here in the shop"
"Unfortunately, the shops no longer ours. I sold them already"
"Yeah. That sounds like a 'you' problem. Since we already sold out, we'll take 55% of the profits. Since the sales already cover the store price, your share is 45%"
"Can you remind me what the 55% entails?"
"55% would cover store funding, your wages, and emergencies. Remember?"
"What are you saying?"
"Well, since the store will no longer be operational, the funding will no longer be necessary, isn't it? And since the store is no longer ours, emergencies will not happen anymore, right?"
"That would leave us our wages:
"Correct. Which leaves you with..."
Shin pulls out his phone and opens his calculator. He subtracts the total of the Funding and emergency fund from the 55% share.
"10%. Since you only work for one day this month, you only have 0.3% left. Well, since we have a lot of money from the sales, I'd say 0.3% isn't bad, don't you think?"
"It wouldn't be bad. Do you know what would be bad? Guild penalty. If you closely read clause 5 'should the store closed due to various circumstances, employees of the store are entitled to compensation as written in the work contract provided by the employer and signed by the employee and will be approved by the store and/or regional manager of the company' I happen to be the manager of this store, am I not?"
Garland, with his arms crossed, gives a little smirk. For a teenager who barely had his first job, he grin really wide. Almost smugly.
"It is true, but I could talk to Sara about this contract. I'm sure I can check with her"
"Minister Sara is too busy to care one small store. Besides, what are you implying is a blatant active corruption. Are you sure you could afford a scandal when your country is just beginning rebuilding?"
This time, Garland smiles really wide. Ear to ear. Shin, appears to look dejected and laughs really loud, the people within 15 meters of the shop can hear them. His smile is even wider than Garland's.
"HAHAHAHA! You never cease to amaze me Gally"
"Don't call me that"
"Right, right. Akira, you got all that?"
"Yup. Sending them now"
"What are you doing?"
"We're evaluating you”
Garland is even more puzzled. He questions in his mind like "Send? Send what?" and "What am I being evaluated for?". Mina ponders a bit but she doesn't bother to make sense of it. Economics was really Garland's forté. She was a clerk before joining the duo, but now she leveled up to protect her family. A strider. A class somewhere between a ranger and an assassin.
"Congratulation, Garland, for whatever it is"
"Akira. Any reply?"
"Yeah. Dad said he's good"
"Your father, Master Kira?"
"Guildmaster Hull"
"A nobility?"
"He is. But if you think I'm a nobility, I'm not. Well...not yet anyway"
Garland, ever stoic, drop his demeanor and change somewhat into another personality. He bows with much respect shown. It seems really out of character, it's almost unsettling. Almost
"My apologies. Master"
"What are you doing, Garland?"
"Garland idolizes Minister Hull. Ever since Minister Hull improves the economy of the kingdom, our village was impacted greatly. When Minister Hull visited our village, He was inspired by Master Hull's shrewdness and humility"
At that time, Haruki was a kid. Barely 8. Haruki was surveying the area about the village's prosperity and trade activity. Garland was attending to his herb stall. Helping her parent, who is dirt poor back then.
"I do. I made a promise that I will be a better merchant, so I could help him earn money"
"So, back in Wilhelmshire, why didn't you work at the merchant guild?"
"I did work for a brief moment. But there is an asshole that makes work hell"
"What did he do?"
"He spread rumors about how I embezzled from the Guild. Intimidates employee to excommunicate me"
"Does this guy still works at the guild?"
"No. I heard that he's dead. Something about kidnapping"
Akira suspects that this is related to him. There is one guy at the guild who attempted a kidnapping: Andre
"Good grief"
Akira says nothing. At times like this. He prefers silence.
"If I could prove to Master Hull I could be better than him, I'd be glad to accept your offer"
"So you'll do it?"
"Yeah. Be it a minister or a guildmaster. I'll prove to him I'm right"
Shin smiles. The youth's enthusiasm reminds him of his first day opening his own company. Back on Earth, he only sees jaded, bitter professionals, who go on about their day only to survive
"Alright. So, for your contract, state your terms, Garland"
"Please provide a living accommodation for us. Not just us 3. But our Ma and Pa back in the village"
"Done. What about pay?"
"I want nee-san to be my assistant. She shouldn't need to endanger herself anymore. She did enough"
"For my salary, If the country is not doing well, I could take 1000 gold. Once the country is prosperous, make that 4500"
"Ah. About that, we are planning to use a different currency there. So all the coins are centralized in our coffer, so we could use them to trade with other countries"
"What are you going to use, then?"
Shin grabs his wallet from his back pocket and hands him a ¥10000 banknote and ¥100 coin.
"What is this?"
"This is money from our country. If I correctly counted, that ¥100 is equal to one silver, and the paper is worth one gold. With paper money, people could carry more since they are weightless. They could use a wallet to carry them, like the one I am holding right now, or they could use a pouch if they are carrying a large amount of money like say one platinum or a million paper currency. What do you think, Garland?"
"I think if this currency is going to be official, we need to teach the people first. What about the people that came from other countries and still use coins?"
"We'll set up a central bank. It could be used to keep money safe or exchange currency, with no extra rates"
"Will the bank earn money?"
"Not a lot. But we can centralize all the coins inside the bank, and recirculate them again outside New Miami"
"Keep the economy going outside so more people could keep exchanging them. And when they tried to bring the paper money back home, it became useless, unless they spend it here or exchange them back at the bank. So basically free money"
Garland, every bit impressed, cannot hold back laughter. His laugh is almost sinister. Almost.
"Oh. That's good. That's really good"
"Thank you. So would you like to keep your previous salary request?"
"Yeah. That seems fair"
"Alright. Will that be all?"
"That will be all"
"Great. Would you like to move now or later?"
"Maybe later. Yuma hasn't come back"
As if on cue, Yuma arrives home
"Nee-chan. Nii. What's going on?"
"Yuma. We're moving to another place?"
"Oh? Is it a fun place?"
"It will be, sweetheart. Right now, we are rebuilding the city"
"Can I play with others?"
"You definitely can"
"Yay. Can we go now?"
"Alright. If that's what you want. Master Akira. We are ready"
Akira nods. He moved outside of the store teleporting inside might damage the store
"Everyone hold on to me"
Everyone holds onto Akira. With a lightning strike, they vanish. A second later, they arrived at a new capital, at the South beach Crossroad.
"Welcome to the Kingdom of Newlight's capital. New Miam-"
To everyone's surprise, they see the would-be citizens are already working together to rebuild the city. Some buildings are half-finished.
"Talos, what happened here?"
"Boss. Welcome back. The people are excited to rebuild the city. So I provided them the materials with the knowledge from your memory"
"Ah. Thank you, Talos. Could you please come here for a moment?"
Talos nods. As he approaches Akira, the latter placed his forehead on Talos' metal forehead. Every and all memory, Knowledge, and ideas Akira had, are now also Talos'
"Would you mind showing our new finance minister here and his sisters a tour while I build a house for them?"
"Gladly. Please, this way"
"Shin. I'll go build a house for Mina's family first. Do you have any suggestions?"
"Hmm... That's a hard one. We are introducing our world to them. It might be a shock for them. But since this place will be a setting of Miami, how about those rounded houses?"
"Rounded houses?"
"What does it called? Hmm..."
"Art Deco?"
"Yes that's the one"
That is a great idea, thought Akira. But the matter of where to put them is another issue.
"Can you use your Worldly Eyes to see where is the good spot?"
Shin closes his eyes. His Worldly Eyes wander around.
"Akira. You could see my Worldly Eyes too. Place your forehead on mine and close your eyes"
Akira placed his forehead on Shin. He closes his eyes and sees what the Worldly Eyes see. For the first time, he can see everything. Where everything and everyone is, their name and their level, occupation and what's around them. In the distance from the two, outside Shin Worldly Eyes' range, a girl, barely 6, says to his mother.
"Mommy. Those two guys are kissing."
She is loud enough to be heard by the people around them, but not Shin and Akira. Some people are disgusted, some are intrigued, and the rest is appalled.
"Quit staring, dear. It's rude. What they do is their business. Not ours"
Back to Akira and Shin, they scan for the surrounding area.
"Is this how you see the world?"
"Not often, but yes"
They see an empty plot. Among the ruins, that plot seems undisturbed by the surrounding rubbles. The area is nearing the grassland, but still in the area of South Beach.
"That's a good place, isn't it?"
"Hold on, Akira. This place is quite far from the general populace. Let's look for another empty plot first"
"One thing I learned about construction is to survey several places first before deciding"
"If you say so, Mr. Conglomerate of Shimazu Group"
"Cut it with your mocking, dumbass, or I'll stop helping you"
"Fine, geez"
"Yeah. Thought so, damn peasant"
Both chuckle. In the span of 2 hours, they gathered 3 potential locations that could be used for Mina's Family housing. But they are approached by a male bull beastman.
"Uh, excuse me, Masters. Am I perhaps correct that you are the future king of this place?"
"Yes. Hello. My name is Akira and this is Shin"
Akira extends his hand to shake, but the bull beastman only bows.
"Forgive my impertinence, Your Royal Highness. I wouldn't want to interrupt you, but the people are getting uncomfortable by the sighting of your public affection display"
"Public affection display?"
"Were you not kissing?"
Akira is flustered. But Shin is laughing like mad. The people is further confused by Shin's laugh.
"Oh, that was funny. No, we're not kissing, we're just surveying the plot to build a land. I can see everywhere in the world, but he can't. I'm just sharing my power to him"
The people around heard and nod in understanding. There are several 'Ah' heard in acknowledgement, but most people laugh at their misunderstanding. From the east road, Talos, Garland, Mina and Yuma walks toward the two. They heard a laughter from the citizen
"Akira-Nii. This place is in ruin. I hate it here"
"Don't worry, Yuma. We will turn this place into an amazing place. You'll love it"
Mina is approaching the still-laughing Shin.
"What's going on?"
"There has been a misunderstanding. People think Shin an I are kissing"
Garland puffs and laughs. He laughs so hard that the people laughing stops laughing because of his sinister laugh.
"Oh, that's really good"
"Anyway. We have surveyed several location that is going to be your place. Do you want to look at them?"
"Alright. It's going to be a little far. We'd better get the RV"
Akira opens his item box and placed the vehicle in the Ocean Drive Lane. The people are curious. What's this metal monster? Akira notices the people expression and some are downright cautious.
"Oh, don't worry, people. This is my vehicle. It's like a wagon or a carriage"
The people eases up a moment, trying to look closer.
"It's okay. You can come closer if you'd like"
The people, who are brave enough approaches first. Then followed by the less-brave citizen
"Where's the horse?"
"Oh, there's no horse. This vehicle uses magic as fuel. This bad boy could fit a family. You want to take a look inside?"
2 people nod. They are more than curious.
"Well, go ahead"
Akira welcomes them as if the RV is his home. The people are fascinated by the interior. Then 4 more people come in. They take a look at different fixtures of the vehicle. They roam the kitchen, the bedroom, and to the 'cockpit'.
"Ever the salesman, that man is"
Akira turns on the engine. The machine revs. The people inside are looking a bit scared.
"No need to worry, people. I'm just turning on the engine. Let's go for a little bit of a ride, yeah?"
The people outside of the RV are a little bit cautious. But Shin assures them that nothing will go wrong. Akira takes a drives a little bit on the Ocean Drive, before returning to the crossroad.
"How was it?"
There are shouts of excitement. Several ask about how to have this vehicle. Akira answers their questions. He is indeed planning to mass-manufacture this vehicle with several other vehicles. Sedans, Trucks, Motorcycle and Bicycle are among the vehicle planned to be made in this Kingdom.
"We're sorry but we are going now. Talos, come here"
Talos walks to Akira.
"Yes, Boss?"
"Please take care of the people here first. I'm going on a survey"
"Got it"
"Thank you"
Akira and the company drive off to the surveyed location. The first location is the grassland on the far side of South Beach. They are looking at the place. After several surveying processes, they refused this place. As Garland put it, it is quite far from the general populace. They moved on to the second location, which is located on a small Island. this time, Mina outright rejects the idea. So they moved on to the last location. This one is on the opposite end of Ocean Drive. The place is near a forest.
"This could be it"
"You like it here?"
"Yes. It is near the beach, on the area you directly control and near the general populace"
"How about you Mina? Think your mom and dad likes it here?"
"They'll love it"
"So do you agree that you would lives here?"
Yuma, now enthusiastic, nods
"Alright. Stand back."
Akira place his hand on the ground. He closes his eyes to imagine the Art Deco house. The ground shakes. In a blink of an eye, the house walls are shaping up from the ground. The glass are forming from the beach sands. The glass is patterned but clear as almost there are no glass on the windows. They are ecstatic about their new house. Not only it is big enough for the family, the house design is like an art in their eyes, a luxury medium-sized house.
"This is amazing"
"Thank you. Now the furniture are not set yet, you need to decide those for yourself"
"I understand"
Mina hugs Akira and Shin. Followed by Garland and Yuma
"Thank you. Not only you improves our lives, you have escalate our position just like that"
Akira smiles. And after they break up the hugs. They went back to the crossroad. Talos, ever the stoic one, helps the people rebuilding.
"Hey guys"
"Welcome back, Your Royal Highness"
"Everything is good?"
"Yes. But we hope that we have several additional hand to help with rebuilding"
"Have you had enough materials yet?"
"We do"
"Alright. I'll have some golems to help out"
Akira place his hand on the ground, the ground shakes violently, but not enough to damage any structure. From the ground he summons hundred thousands of Mud, human sized golemns. Five hundred giant rock golem and two hundred horse golem. These golems are unlike Talos who are sentient. They are mindless, but receives commands well.
"Send half these golems to Astrid to help with rebuilding, please"
"Yes, Your Royal Highness"
The golems are following the man to Astrid. With this, the rebuilding process are sure to be fast.
"Talos. Do you know our plan about Hakone?"
"Yes. Every detail of it"
"Great. I put you in charge of building Hakone. We will speed up the building process to get this kingdom up and running"
"Yes, Boss"
"One more thing. I am going to put you in charge of the development of this country's technology and Military. Use my knowledge and power bestowed to you to benefit me, and this kingdom that we build together"
From this declaration, Talos kneels and swear an oath to the yet-crowned king.
"From this moment, you shall be known as Talos Ironstorm. Wield your name proudly, Serve the people well, and the people will serve you"
"Thank you, Bo-Your Royal Highness"
Akira leans in and whispers to Talos' ear.
"That doesn't mean we can't be friends or you have to be formal to me all the time. Treat me as your king in public and as a friend in private"
Talos nods.
"Well, since that got out of the way, Master Akira, Can I go back to the store? We haven't packed and I haven't finished counting the money"
"Alright. Shin, you wanna come?"
"You bet your ass I do, Bitch"
All of them teleported back to Hapsburg. He tried a subtler method of lighting teleportation. The lightning struck them with only a crackling sound. He teleports them back to the store.
"Your Royal Highness"
"Don't call me that here. I'm not coronated yet. One more thing. I have a disguised golem here. She will help you count the money, and you could use the money we agreed on to buy furniture, and arrange a ride for your parent. Bring our share to New Miami"
"Got it. Thank you. For everything"
Akira and Shin only wave, But in unison.
"Akira. I am hungry, but we don't have any money now"
"Me too"
Akira heard Footsteps from behind. It was a male in red clothing.
"Excuse me. Would I be correct to assume you are Master Nosk?"
"Nosk? Ah yes. That's me. How can I help you?"
"Minister Sara asked me to give you the money for the store deed. Here is the coin"
The man in red hands Shin the gold pouch.
"Then, I'll take my leave"
The man in red returns back to the mansion
"Now we can eat"
"Hold on, Akira. I almost forgot I am a Legendary merchant"
Shin takes out a 5 bag of ungrounded black pepper from his item box,
"Let's sell this pepper so we could buy the food ingredient for the people. I'll go to the Merchant guild and sell these. You use the store money to buy food at the tavern"
"Right. Will you be long?"
"No. 15 minutes max"
"Alright. What food do you want?"
"Steak, the biggest one they got. Treat me with Golden Rye, cold one"
"Right. See ya"
Akira went a separate way to the tavern. They enter the busiest tavern. Since it was daytime, the place is packed with adventurers. He opens the door to the tavern, All the people inside are looking at Akira. What weird clothing he wears. He sits down and the waiters hand him the menu. Akira asks for 2 of the biggest steak they have. The waiter writes down the order and charges 15 gold. Akira pays and sits. A couple of muscular adventurers approach him, clearly inebriated. 'This feels familiar' Akira thought.
"Hey boy. You look like you have a lot of money. Come on. Give us some"
Akira looks at them and only smiles.
"Huh, you deaf or sum'n? Give me your money boy or I'll hurt you bad"
He still smiles. This time he reaches for his pocket. But he didn't take out his money. He grabs his cigarette and lights it.
"Alright. You are asking for it"
Shin is done with selling the pepper and he saw Akira getting harassed by 2 men. Akira mouths to Shin "It's Okay" and hands him his cigarettes. Shin leans on the wall and starts smoking. The big, thuggish adventurer punches Akira, who is unflinching. His fist meets Akira's face, but Akira's expression doesn't change. However, the adventurer's hand structure changes. Broken in many places. Shin only laughs.
"You okay, Brutus?"
The other adventurer takes out his sword and tried to stab Akira.
Akira grabs the sword with his hand and snaps the sword into pieces. Shin laughs harder. This time, the attention turns into Shin.
"Of course you can't beat him. You are still weak"
"What did you say?"
The other adventurer cast a fireball at Shin, but his fire is missed since they are drunk. A section of the wall caught fire, but Shin is casting water fast enough, that there are barely any damage to the building
The cook, with a cleaver in his hand, approaches the commotion
"I apologize for the ruckus"
"I saw everything. You guys don't need to apologize. I throw them out. I apologize for your inconvenience"
Shin sits down still with a cigarette in his mouth.
"Well, that was fun"
"How'd it go?"
"5 platinum coins. I didn't ask them to buy with money. I am trading for 5 platinum worth of foodstuff, for the citizens. They'll deliver the foodstuff here"
"That's smart. So one bag worth a platinum?"
"Initially, they tried to talk me down to 5 gold coins for each bag. With several time back and forth, they give in to 5 platinum"
"Is that too much?"
"It's ruthless, sure. But it's fair. They still profit from it"
"Well, alright then"
The waiter came back with their food. It has to be carted in instead of the usual tray. The people inside the tavern are looking with amazement. It is unusual that a customer would order food without a drink
"Akira. That, Please"
Akira nods. He creates a bottle of Golden Rye Beer. He asks the waiter for mugs. They are eating the biggest piece of steak. They practically ate a quarter of a cow each since the steak had one bone and it is leg bone.
"Right. I'm starving. Let's eat"
They ate like there was no tomorrow. The people thought that there is no way that one person could finish a quarter of a leg, let alone two. But as time passes, they are amazed, no. Not quite amazed. they are more scared than amazed as if seeing a goliath devouring a cattle. After the food was devoured, they drink the whole bottle away.
"That hits the spot"
"Is your carriage here yet?"
"No, I don't think so"
"Right. I'll go see the guildmaster again"
As Shin went outside, he went in again in an instant.
"They're already here. take a look"
As Akira went outside, he sees 50 carriage worth of food lining up in the main Plaza.
"Holy... How are we going to bring this back?"
"We use our item box. It will take some time, but It'll be set before sunset"
"Let's get to work then"
Akira and Shin went to divide 50 carriages among them. They let the empty carriage return back to the guild. Before sundown, the carriages are already gone back to the guild.
"That's that. Let's get back, man"
"Let's go"
They both teleport back to New Miami. When they get there, around 30% of the city is already completed.
"We've just gone for hours. They worked fast"
"If this pace keeps up, our city will be done in 3 days"
"I believe the people will be hungry after work. You should go prepare some food on Ocean Drive. I'll go notify the people"
"Right. Thanks"
Akira summons 500 human golems to help him cook. He uses ground magic to use as a table. He sets down the ingredients and speaks to the golem.
"Divide the works among you. We will be serving a lot of people. Use every ingredient at our disposal so our people can eat well. Diversify the menu. Fried rice, steak, anything, from appetizer to dessert. Use your magic for fire. Alright. Let's get to it"
The sun is already setting, and since there is no light yet in this country, they cast a light ball to illuminate the night. The golems have prepared what Akira instructed. The people of the new kingdom approach the lights. Seeing their future king working hard for them, preparing food, and setting down tables.
"Is this really our king? He's younger than my son"
"He must be"
"He's doing this just for us?"
"Not only for you guys. For your future. Your children, and your livelihood. He might be young, but he is definitely worthy the position as a King"
"I think so too. I will devote my life to this king"
The people are crying. Not too long ago, they were slaves. Now, they are the citizen of a kingdom that whose king loves them. The people cheered for Akira.
Akira heard the cheers and invites the people to come to sit down and eat. The food is already set. Those who has not touched an alcoholic drink were served various beverages. Beer, whiskey, sake, and all. The people are happy even before the kingdom is finished rebuilding. As for Akira, he is happy that he could share a drink with the people. The food are set on the table, but before the feast began, Akira proposes a toast. His voice can be heard for all 50000 people.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. If you don't know who I am, my name is Akira. I would like to tell to you all, that I am grateful that we could share a meal like this. You endured hardship I could never endure. Some of you might say, 'That kid is strong'. No. I am not nearly as strong. You are all. You starve, endured torture from The Corsair Princes, and even endured any psychological torment, which left you weakened. So tonight eat and drink to your heart's content, and regain your strength tonight. Because tomorrow, tomorrow we march for a better future. We march to a country where no one has to be a slave. No one has to be sold or purchased like an object"
Akira raises his glass. All of the people raise their glasses. Shin, Astrid, Talos, Kamilo, Karina, and even the children who were not drinking any alcohol raised their cups.
The people, who moved to tears, cheer in unison
For a better tomorrow, Akira works hard to rebuild the kingdom from its own ashes. He builds his castle, which looks more like a futuristic fortress than a castle at this time. Hospitals were built, Schools, orphanages, high-rise apartments, and even the neon light hotels on Ocean Drives. It was truly a replica of Earth's Miami.
Akira wakes up on his bed, someone wakes him up. Akira looks over his shoulder.
"Honey. Wake up. It's your coronation today"
"Wake up already"
"Right, right. I'm up"
Akira lazily scoots off the bed, but he falls instead.
"Do your body still feels sore?"
"Yeah. I'm restricting my power. Training with General Haggen is extremely exhausting"
"He's a living legend. Of course, he's not going to hold back. What do you want to wear?"
"White shirt, Red Suit jacket, and a black bowtie please"
Mina gets his clothing from the walk-in drawer. Akira takes a moment to strengthen his body. He walks toward the window. his castle is in a small island nearing the mainland, connected by a short bridge. From his balcony, he can see everything on the city. Ships are harbored at the port, trucks are transporting items from one place to the other. People relaxing on the beach, cars going on asphalt roads, people smiling and laughing. He sees that Ocean Drive is bustling with people, locals and tourists alike. People wore clothing similar to Earth. Electricity poles run along the beachlines.
"Beautiful isn't it? You made all this happens. Your own paradise"
"I can't believe it has been a year since we held a celebration on that beach. Honey, Has Kamilo in yet?"
"Yes. He'll be here in a moment"
Akira dresses up and there's a knock on his door.
"Come in"
The doors open and Kamilo comes in with a suit and tie. He held in his hand a binder report.
"Your Royal Highness. Good morning"
"Good morning, Kamilo. You look good. What's going on?"
"Yes. I'm here to report on last month's report"
"Go on"
"The coffer is still going strong. We are currently behind Theovan by a small margin"
"It's okay. We don't want to overtake them as the richest. Anything else?"
"Hakone suffers economically due to volcanic activity, but I have taken initiative to use the money to rebuild any damages to the building"
"Thank you Kamilo. What about Shin?"
"Master Shin is fine. Hakone will be expected to continue the activity and generate income within a month"
"How about today's event?"
"Your coronation preparation has been completed. They are now working on your wedding and your birthday"
"I can't believe you crammed your coronation, our wedding and your birthday in one day"
"Hehe. Let the people party. By the way Kamilo, have you announced "that" stuff?"
"Oh, yes. I have informed the people that the whole month will be announced as a holiday"
"You announced a Holiday for a whole month?"
"Not only holiday for a whole month. Party for a whole month"
"That's reckless spending, honey"
"This month is important. They only experience all of those parties once in their lifetime"
"I guess. Come on. Coronation will be held in an hour"
"Your Royal Highness. I have heard a rumor of your new nickname among the people"
"Oh, what is it this time?"
"I have a list for all the nicknames people called you"
Kamilo reach for his bag and hands him a paper. These nicknames consist of:
The King who Cooks The Servant of the Good People The Musculord The Adventurer King King Dude The Royal Couple The Strongest King The Can-do King but one of the most recent titles caught his attention.The Revolutionary King. "Revolutionary?" "Yes. You bring this much change in a year. What you propose was outlandish at the time, you know?" "I just thought what was best for the Kingdom" "Anyway, I shouldn't keep you any longer, My Lord" "Thanks, Kamilo. Send my regard to your family" "I will" Kamilo closes the door and Shin comes in. "You ready?" "Yeah" "C'mon. We have a busy schedule" Akira, Shin and Mina walks out of the door. The coronation process is being held at the Great hall. The process is broadcast through a big Holographic magic crystal that acts as a TV. The coronation is being viewed by everyone in the kingdom. The Cardinal recites the oath "Do you, Akira Takahashi, Crown Prince of Newlight solemnly swear that you will justly rule over territory with fairness and defend in times of peril?" "In the name of God, I do" "Do you, Akira Takahashi, Future King of Newlight solemnly swear to uphold justice, no matter how small or how big?" "In the name of God, I do" "Do you, Akira Takahashi, a servant of God, be obedient to the Lord's command for the rest of your life?" "In the name of God, I do" "Then by the power of His Holiness, God, and the World, Akira Takahashi, I declare you the First King of Newlight. May his blessing course through you, and his love give you warmth. Amen. Now, Adventurer King of Newlight, go and greet your people" "Thank you, Cardinal. May his love gives you warmth" Akira stands up and hugs the Cardinal, like an old friend. After the coronation, it came to the wedding part. Mina and Akira exchange ring in front of the cardinal. The ring was made from solid obsidian enchanted to never break. On top of Mina's ring sits a large purple alexandrite. The cardinal recites the wedding vows. Once the vows are confirmed, the cardinal pronounces them King and Queen. Shin runs to his friend. Several guards are on alert but Akira told them to stand down. He gives them a hug. "Congratulation, buddy" "Thanks. All of this happens because of all of you. Join me on the balcony. You're part of the royal family now" Shin nods. All of the royal family are attending on the balcony. Haruki, Frederick, Garland, Yuma, and even the royal family of Theovan. They wave at the people, who cheer for the new young king. As Akira is waving toward the people. He saw a familiar figure waving. He waved at St. Alexander among the crowd. St. Alexander waved back, mouthing 'congratulation' for him. St. Alexander moved back among the people until he vanishes into thin air. The tale of the two companions of youth, going through thick and thin, is told among the future generation. The changes they made, the enemy they encounter, and the hardship they endure. This would mark the end of the first chapter. A chapter of a beloved tale from the book "The Champion of Changes" |
Excerpt |