Twins 99 Plot
Twins 99 revolves around 2 black twins named Javon and Jovan Sankoh, whom are massive anime otakus. They're starting their first year in high school in the hopes of a new start after being practically losers in middle school. Out of nowhere during school, a Darkseid looking alien assaults them, abruptly demanding for a relic called the Aquos Crystal. To add more confusion, it is revealed during the attack that these twins have superpowers which they were clueless about their whole lives. Aliens and superpowers exist?! Is this the new start they're looking for? What's the Aquos Crystal? What will happen in this hysterical, dramatic, action-packed anime carved into a light novel?
Discussion (7)
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This is more of a synopsis than a plot line but this is not wrong in a way.
Well, I already read most of what’s written here except for the aliens part.(Expected but haven’t met them) Looking forward to this.
Thank you for your feedback. I plan to put information on future arcs so you get an idea of where my light novel is going. I will also post information on my characters
Sci-fi, and alien theme,?. You must have different ideaology about universe.
Haha I’m a year late ?
It’s okay, it’s been a while since I edited it ?
@ice-fairy well, I’d like to say I have a unique perspective ? At the beginning, I want to show how a normal person would react to the supernatural. Hopefully, it will make sense when I release more on Twins 99. Actually, I should revise the plot. I’m sure the way it’s written doesn’t encourage you to read it
Is this gonna turn into something like Konosuba. The way you worded it sounds like a satire or deconstruction. As much as I hate those 2 words nowadays, this could be interesting depending on the execution.