Interior Art


Interior art is typically found in light novels. This service includes interior art for print and ebook versions. The art can either be a depiction of a character in color or a black-and-white scene with a character.

Fill out this form, submit descriptions and examples, add desired quantity to your cart, then checkout and pay.

    Your First and Last Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Book Title (required)

    Please attach a description of the art you want depicted. Submit in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).

    Please attach your book in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) and note any scene you want depicted, if applicable.

    Please attach an example of art similar to what you want your art to look like. Submit in .jpg format.

    Please attach a second art example in .jpg format.

    Check here if you are at least 18 years old and have read and agree to the Agreement in the description.

    Quick Checkout


    Interior art is typically found in light novels. We only provide art for books that are light novels, LitRPGs, or superhero books targeted to young adults.

    For this service, we charge $150 for interior art for print and ebook versions. The art can either be a depiction of a character in color or a black-and-white scene with a character.

    Before you buy this service, please fill out the included form and submit at least two examples of something similar to what you are seeking. Turnaround time is approximately one to two months after submission and payment. You must be at least 18 years old and own the rights to the book.

    Interior art involves the following:

    • One character depicted in a normal pose or black and white art of a scene
    • For character art, there will be a color version of character as well as black and white version for printing.
    • Initial sketch of art for review and adjustments
    • Up to two revisions of sketch
    • Sketch of art for review and adjustments

    The files delivered will be a high quality JPEG at least 300 dpi meant for print and ebook version.


    This agreement is between the author paying for this service and Vic's Lab, LLC. Payment constitutes agreement of the following terms.


    Artwork will correspond to the description outlined in order.


    Contingent upon submission of materials and payment, the artwork for the manuscript is to be delivered to the Author approximately within the time outlined in the order.

    3. PAYMENT

    Orders are for one artwork file.


    Vic's Lab, LLC, agrees not to reproduce, give, or show to anyone any material sent by Author for art purposes, unless a third party is contracted to fulfill service.


    No guarantees are made as to the salability or marketability of the manuscript. Nor is there a guarantee that the artwork will completely meet your satisfaction, though all efforts will be made to do so. Unless an arrangement is made between the author and Vic's Lab, LLC, all royalties and monies gained by the sale of the book will be the sole property of the Author.


    Both parties agree that this agreement shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.


    Before the project is in process, either party may terminate this Agreement in the event of material change of circumstance with a written notice to the other party or request for cancellation. If cancellation of the order is requested before artwork starts, Vic's Lab, LLC, will reimburse payment.

    This agreement is made and entered into by and between the parties hereto on the date of completed purchase.