Forums Feedback Member Blogs?

6 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Profile photo of VicVic 7 years ago
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    • #420962
      Profile photo of Vic
      Rank: 10th Dan – Jūdan

      I’d like to know if there is any interest in allowing you to post blog posts from your profile? These posts would be posted publicly, can be viewed both on your profile and on the homepage with other user blogs, and shared on social media. There are pros and cons to this, so I’d like your input.


    • #421023
      Profile photo of Ayumi Megumi
      Ayumi Megumi
      @Jyukai AMV Jyukai Ituna
      Rank: 6th Kyū – Rokkyū

      Dumb question: We make the blog posts here on Vicslab?

      Well, it would be nice but what would be the difference from the usual updates that we already have?

    • #421095
      Profile photo of Vic
      Rank: 10th Dan – Jūdan

      It’s something I’m considering. It will allow all members to post blogs from their profile and include images. They will be visible on their profile and together on the blog page with everyone else’s posts. Posts will be automatically posted on the VicsLab Twitter and Facebook pages. I can still update everyone on news via snipets of articles from other sites if you all like them. Or I can get just keep them on the In The News page but not blog any, so it wont show on your walls if friends with me. For those who are friends with me, I wonder if the blog posts are wanted since they fill up your walls.

      Some pros to user blog posts are: content can have images and look better, and it gives another way for members to express themselves. Some cons are some member may think that’s where you post stories but the blogs can’t be added to the submission or stories groups. That may cause confusion.

    • #421097
      Profile photo of Luis Aleman
      Luis Aleman
      Rank: 1st Dan – Shodan

      Will blog posts from all members be posted on everyone’s walls? Or will they only appear on the user’s walls that made them or only on the feed? If that’s the case I think I won’t have a problem with my wall getting spammed but it sounds like a good feature.

    • #421105
      Profile photo of Vic
      Rank: 10th Dan – Jūdan

      They would appear on their profile, on the wall of their friends, and on the main blog page.

    • #421128
      Profile photo of Ayumi Megumi
      Ayumi Megumi
      @Jyukai AMV Jyukai Ituna
      Rank: 6th Kyū – Rokkyū

      Really a good idea for me. But it would be nice to be able to sort the blogs from the updates and notifications, like hide them if the user wanted. That way, if the user doesn’t want to see others’ blogs or just want a neat wall page, they have the option to do so.

    • #451771
      Profile photo of Vic
      Rank: 10th Dan – Jūdan

      We’re testing out a new feature allowing selected members to blog from their profile. Approved blogs will be shared on our Blog page, Twitter and Facebook. This will be an additional feature included in a future paid membership plan. Free beta testing is open to selected members only. If you are a blogger and are interested, let me know.

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