New Game Distracts Me From Other News: Otaku News Weekly Recap Mar/22-Mar/28
In full honesty, this is a short Otaku News Weekly Recap, because I got distracted by Monster Hunter Rise. However, I still have a few pieces of news that caught my interest this week including a little original English light novel news and an anime premiere. Plus, there is still the usual birthdays and new […]

Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru Volume 5 – Otaku News Reviews
The short-lived series Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru is over with this fifth volume. Regardless of the abrupt ending, I am actually okay with how it ended, but I of course still wanted more. It felt like it was just starting; oh well. https://youtu.be/uDjBpqyuMgY

New Horror Manga into Anime Announcements Hope to be Awarding: Otaku News Weekly Recap Mar/15-Mar/21
Otaku News Weekly Recap is finally back with news on horror manga getting anime, anime films missing out on awards, and other updates. Plus, I give a little larger spotlight to the OELNs I missed in the past weeks along other light novels and manga, and I of course celebrate the birthdays of some of […]

Where is Saint Patrick’s Day in Anime? – Otaku News Opinions
As Saint Patrick’s Day approached, I tried to think of any time in anime, manga, or light novels where the holiday was celebrated. After an unfruitful search, I realized my answer for this Otaku News Opinions. https://youtu.be/EtA98Tp4jYI

A.R. Dragonfly Origins: Episode Amber and Episode Kaito by Joshua Piedra – Otaku News Reviews
For this Otaku News Reviews, I cover two Original English Light Novels by Joshua Piedra. As depressing as these prequels are, A.R. Dragonfly Origins: Episode Amber and Episode Kaito both give the great background stories on these characters that I craved. https://youtu.be/D2xDE7t3hfI
Light Novel YouTuber celebrates 400 videos, deserves more subscribers
As a community of fans who enjoy light novels and related subject matters, let’s support fellow VicsLab.com member The A.C. Stories in his YouTube endeavor by subscribing to his channel, watching his videos and sharing them to friends. I recently was made aware of his channel, and saw that he has amassed 400 videos. He’s […]
The Difficulties of Staying Consistent with Writing
Never written a blog before, so since blogs are roughly about one’s thoughts on a particular topic, I thought I would write something that could be worth your time. I’m sure some of you have experienced the difficulty of staying consistent in writing your story, or keeping in touched with the writing community. These days, […]