Contest-winning book ‘Cobalt Blue’ released on Kindle Vella
Last year’s contest-winning book on, titled “Cobalt Blue” by author Zhiliang Tay, is now available to the public in serialized format as a timed exclusive on Kindle Vella at “Alpha Squad – Vecto: Virtue” by Reid Kemper, the final book in the Vecto trilogy, also is still available is a timed exclusive on […]

Sword Quest of Enigmatic Souls: Takanova – Prologue: A Boy at War
Sword Quest of Enigmatic Souls: Takanova By Alex Theriot Distributed by Vic’s Lab, LLC (Chapters from this book are presented for free to members for a limited time in bi-monthly chapter installments on the second and fourth Thursday. You can buy an ebook version of the full book at or the print book […]

Vic’s Lab books go into stores
GalaxyCon in Raleigh, North Carolina, was packed last weekend! There were a couple of vendors that agreed to sell some Vic’s Lab print books in their stores, giving the authors more exposure. Shown here are the books at the table for Anime Paradaisu. The location where they will sell the books is 5208 Hollyridge Dr. […]

Deserter by Junji Ito – Otaku News Reviews
The new English release of Junji Ito’s older stories, Deserter, is here and going no where! I take a look at these oldies and do a bit of comparing and contrasting with Junji Ito’s more well known stories.

From Ashe Vol. 4 Available Now!
Original English Light Novel From Ashe Vol. 4 has officially launched! Ashe Sawyer’s journey to becoming a published author continues as she enters her first writing competition in this brand-new, highly-anticipated installment in the series! Synopsis: Ashe takes on a brand-new challenge in the form of her very first writing competition! As she gears up […]

New VTubers and More Unique Projects: Otaku News Weekly Recap Oct/11-Oct/17
This Otaku News Weekly Recap said hello to some new VTubers this week. Plus, there are unique projects that I am excited for and another that I am definitely not.

New My Hero Academia Dub Trailer But Also Unfortunate Passings: Otaku News Weekly Recap Sep/27-Oct/3
Otaku News Weekly Recap is back! However, not all news is good as we had to say goodbye to some notable people in the manga and anime industry. That aside, there is still plenty news on birthdays, anime premieres, and book releases.

October Progress Update
Welcome to another progress update on all things From Ashe… and A.R. Dragonfly… and Final Hope! Wait… are we getting a trifecta!? Yes, we are! If you have been following me on social media, then you are aware that I have been teasing something called “The Project.” Before I get into what that is, I […]

Best Summer 2021 Anime – Otaku News Opinions
Summer 2021 wrapped up, so it is now time for me to pick the best anime series from the season. Which summer series do you think is the best?

Sensor by Junji Ito – Otaku News Reviews
I sensed a new Junji Ito manga was released, and so it was! Get it, because I reviewed Sensor. Anyways, it is wild and all over the place in a interesting way to say the least.