Reid Stories: Xenoblade Chronicles and Vecto: Vengeance Chapter 4.5
Here’s a scene from Xenoblade Chonicles, my favorite video game (spoilers):
[youtube]“Xenoblade Chronicles, known in Japan as Xenoblade (ゼノブレイド Zenobureido?), is a science fiction <a target="_blank" href="" …read more
Little Brother – Epilogue
The following chapter from Cory Doctorow’s book Little Brother is used with permission via a license (details at end). Please support the author by buying his book (click the image below). Epilogue Barbara called me at the office on July 4th weekend. I wasn’t the only one who’d come into work on the holiday weekend, […]
Reid Stories: Sin & Punishment Game and Vecto: Vengeance Chapter 4.4
Here’s a review of an awesome shooter game for the Nintendo Wii called Sin & Punishment: Star Successor:
[youtube]“Sin & Punishment: Star Successor, released in Europe as Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies, and in Japan as Sin and …read more
Little Brother – Chapter 21
The following chapter from Cory Doctorow’s book Little Brother is used with permission via a license (details at end). Please support the author by buying his book (click the image below). Chapter 21 They left me and Barbara alone in the room then, and I used the working shower head to rinse off — I […]

Vecto: Vengeance is published! Get the scoop on how I got my start.
Front cover proof. |
My Vecto: Vengeance book has finally been released! It was officially released as an ebook on Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2014, and is available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, and other online retail …read more
Reid Stories: Sonic Movie Scene Plus Vecto: Vengeance Chapter 4.3
Here’s a scene from Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie:
[youtube]“Sonic the Hedgehog refers to the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series released by Sega, and starring its eponymous mascot, the video game character Sonic …read more
Little Brother – Chapter 20
The following chapter from Cory Doctorow’s book Little Brother is used with permission via a license (details at end). Please support the author by buying his book (click the image below). Chapter 20 None of the three guys were around at the moment, so I took off. My head hurt so much I thought I […]
Reid Stories: Gunstar Heroes and Vecto: Vengeance Chapter 4.1
One of my favorite gems for the Sega Genesis video game console is Gunstar Heroes. Here’s a gameplay trailer:
[youtube]“Gunstar Heroes (ガンスターヒーローズ Gansutā Hīrōzu?) is …read more
Little Brother – Chapter 19
The following chapter from Cory Doctorow’s book Little Brother is used with permission via a license (details at end). Please support the author by buying his book (click the image below). Chapter 19 Here’s the email that went out at 7AM the next day, while Ange and I were spray-painting VAMP-MOB CIVIC CENTER -> -> […]

Reid Stories: CheatNotes Summary of Vecto: Vengeance Chapter 3
Here’s the CheatNotes summary version of chapter three of my Vecto: Vengeance story:
VECTO book cover by Rafael Fitzgerald |
Crysilis and Streamline search for Vecto at two o’clock in the morning on the roof where his last …read more