Second volume of ‘ContRact’ to be released March 25
VicsLab.com member Brandon Nowakowski’s urban fantasy light novel “ContRact” (Volume Two) will be released March 25 as a timed exclusive on Amazon Kindle. The ebook will be $5.99, and preorders are available now at mybook.to/ContRactVol2. Vic’s Lab, LLC, is serving as the distributor for the book. A short description of the novel is provided in […]

Light Novel ‘ContRact’ gets global print release
Brandon Nowakowski’s urban fantasy light novel “ContRact” will be globally distributed as a paperback book on Tuesday, May. 28. It is available for preorder through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retailers in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. You can also ask if your local bookstore will order a […]
Ebook version of ‘ContRact’ free until Christmas
We hope everyone has a merry Christmas! As a Christmas gift, VicsLab.com member Brandon Nowakowski’s urban fantasy light novel “ContRact” (Volume 1), which just released as an ebook Tuesday, is free on Amazon Kindle until Christmas Day. The ebook, which retails for $5.99 but is free during this time, is available at mybook.to/ContRactVol1. “This is […]

Light Novel Reviews/Critiques Now Offered
Review Service VicsLab.com is partnering with C.S. Mills, who operates the light novel review website alightnovelist.com, to provide reviews or critiques of original English light novels (OELNs). This service, found at www.vicslab.com/product/book-review, costs $50 for the reviewer to read up to 50,000 words of a book and write a review or critique. Reviews for longer books […]
Ebook version of ‘ContRact’ to be released Dec. 19
VicsLab.com member Brandon Nowakowski’s urban fantasy light novel “ContRact” (Volume 1) will be released as an ebook Dec. 19 as a timed exclusive on Amazon Kindle. The ebook will be $5.99, and preorders are available now at mybook.to/ContRactVol1. The book was first released in serialized format as a timed exclusive on Kindle Vella. The serialized […]
Complete Volume 1 of ‘ContRact’ now available on Kindle Vella
Volume 1 of VicsLab.com member Brandon Nowakowski’s urban fantasy light novel “ContRact” is complete and now fully available in serialized format on Kindle Vella. The book is divided into episodes with the first three episodes free to read. All episodes can now be fully unlocked with a total of 616 Kindle Vella tokens. Tokens can […]

First look at Cobalt Blue: Vol. 1 cover art
This is the first look of cover art for the first volume of contest-winning book “Cobalt Blue” by author Zhiliang Tay. Volume 1 is complete on Kindle Vella at getbook.at/CobaltBlueVella, so you can read it now if you don’t want to wait until the ebook version! The first three chapters are free and the […]

Receive 100 points for posting story and providing feedback, then redeem for ebooks!
VicsLab.com members, Happy Fourth of July! It’s now even easier to get free ebooks! For a limited time, you will receive 100 points for each story you post on VicsLab.com and 100 points for providing feedback for stories. Every 100 points is equivalent to a $1 discount on ebooks, so if you provide feedback on […]
Light Novel ‘ContRact’ Debuts on Kindle Vella
VicsLab.com member Brandon Nowakowski recently debuted his urban fantasy light novel “ContRact” in serialized format as a timed exclusive on Kindle Vella. The book is divided into episodes with the first three episodes free to read. Episodes can be unlocked with Kindle Vella tokens and will be released every Wednesday and Friday until the entire […]
Video: How to write your own light novel from production to publishing!
VicsLab.com members, If you are new to writing light novels, YouTuber Midnight X Cross does a great job explaining how to write a light novel and publish it. Midnight X Cross also featured VicsLab.com books near the end. We had no idea about that until we so happened to be watching the video and noticed […]