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Reid Kemper

Luis Aleman

Jougo Chihaya

Mohamed Shafiek


Robert E. Parkin
Joshua Piedra

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active 6 months, 2 weeks ago30 Friends
@vic I tried to reply to someone, but it didn't go through. Is there a glitch?
active 5 years, 11 months ago24 Friends
@thaddeus Congratz buddy you deserve it due to the amount of effort you put in. You and everyone else. Now can anyone please fix the redirect option on the notifications? I sometimes get a notification saying that someone had mentioned me but once i click it its an eror 404.
active 7 years, 4 months ago26 Friends
@ice-fairy @thaddeus @javon-sankoh @theacstories @sora-hana I'm back and still alive! I also bring good news!! Over the last few weeks, I've been missing, I've actually been working on my manga and am pleased to say that Volume 1 of Overloaded will be set to release in late January of 2018!! I basically spent the last few weeks working based on a Shonen Jump mangaka schedule to finish the first volume and it worked wonders! Of course, it left little time for me to check in on social media, but now that volume 1 is done, I have some time to relax. I will post the cover art I make of it and any further updates. Also yes, I will be more active now and I see we got a lot of new active people like @shirookami1914 and @kyrin-knightsbridge. Can't wait to introduce myself to them 🙂