Vic's Lab, LLC, is the world's first company to provide a community for original English light novels (OELNs) and publish member's books. The company was established in 2014. is a community for fans of:
- English Light novels (Japanese-style stories that are short but fun and easy to read)
- Action science fiction and superhero fantasy stories
- LitRPGs (literary role playing games that read like playing video games)
It's often hard to find books in these niche genres, so we gather and distribute books on this site as well as publishing books by new authors. Books we publish are distributed to major online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple.
We are always open to adding new features to this site, so we encourage your feedback via the website's contact form.
The first book we published was the science fiction superhero book Vecto: Vengeance by Reid Kemper. It was released as an ebook on Nov. 18, 2014, followed by the print edition. You can find it on Amazon or Barnes & Noble by clicking the aforementioned names. To find it on Apple's bookstore, search for "Vecto" using an Apple device or appropriate app.
Another recommended book we published is the fantasy light novel The Everlasting: Vol. 1, Eye of the Wise by Biako. You can order the ebook on Amazon here.
If you are interested in publishing with us, please submit your book to the "Publishing Contest" page under the "Groups" page, which is free to all members. For published books from the contest, these authors will pay nothing, and we will invest in editing, design, formatting, marketing, etc. Authors will receive 50% of net profit.
If you have your book edited with a cover and want us to distribute your book, you may submit your book under the "Submissions" page under the "Groups" page. You must be a Premium Member of this site and request to join the Submissions group to do so. For distributed books, authors are expected to market their books and receive 70% net profit.
If you wish to self publish and need help with editing, art, design, formatting, etc., we can help you with the whole process but charge for the services. In this case, we will not be your publisher. You will be considered the publisher and will retain all rights and royalties.
For more information about publishing, click here.